Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Phone Messages

This will be a short one. I thought it would be appropriate to follow up the technology post with this. I'd established that phone calls are for the most part a thing of the past, or they should be in my opinion, for people who are hard of hearing. Anyhow, I've noticed recently that phone messages really annoy me. I will admit that I am guilty of long, rambling messages, so I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite. The majority of people I know are not hard of hearing, but I know plenty of people who have the same sort of issues with phone messages as I do. Here are my top 10 phone message pet peeves in no particular order:
  • messages left from a crowded public place with lots of background noise and chatter
  • whether there's other background noise or not, wind blowing into the mouth piece
  • messages left from a place that is supposed to be quiet so the person is almost whispering
  • a bad cell reception that goes in and out as the person leaves the message
  • people with heavy foreign accents giving important info such as medical results
  • call-back numbers that are not left in a clear manner
  • particularly ones left at the end of the message so you have to play the whole thing over
  • most especially when the rest of the message is slow but the number is given fast
  • when the whole message is given at lightning spead and thus incomprehensible
  • messages that are so difficult to interpret that I have to resort to having someone else listen to them and interpret them for me

The last one is something I was discussing with a friend of mine who has cochlear implants. It really is frustrating as a hard of hearing young person to have to have another person interpret a phone message for you. Not only is it a bit depressing that you don't get the pleasure of hearing and "getting" the message yourself, but there are just some conversations you don't really want your mother hearing. Some messages are confidential. My friend actually said her biggest pet peeve was that people still leave her voicemails even though her voicemail message says "Please, don't leave me voicemails" for these very reasons.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's been another week now, but I've got two new posts in the works, just not quite ready to put them up yet.
